“What surprises customers every time is how much data they really have. One of the first AI yield prediction models was built by creating yield history from piecework compensation data. This refers to the data related to payment systems, where pickers are paid based on the volume of fruit they harvested, also known as piecework. Often, invaluable data is hiding in plain sight. You just have to know where to look.”
Chief Customer Success and Operations Officer, The Yield
Complete a data assessment of your data assets for analytics readiness including data audit, and data systems audit to create a short-, medium- and long-term data acquisition and curation plan based on ROI.
Manage a gated process that prioritizes solving high-value problems with lowest cost with your data with the development of dashboards, models and visualizations.
Build two-way data sharing systems between your software, data repositories and the Precision Yield Management platform.
Assess the cost-benefit of adding microclimate sensing (weather stations) and predictions to your On-Farm Playbook and models at farm, block, in-canopy or in-hoop.
Build capabilities among your internal data analytics team.
You now have moved from looking in the rear-view mirror to looking ahead using predictive analytics. The next step is not just predicting but making prescriptive predictions. This is essential for automating decision making to optimize for business outcomes with greater precision. This will require data feedback loops made possible with the data from autonomous systems and field robots — both what they do and what they see. We will help you get this data into the Precision Yield Management Platform, getting it ready to use, and will continue to use our Vertical Slice methodology to focus on high-value problems. A vertical slice uses all aspects of The Yield’s platform – data ingestion, model deployment, delivery of insights – to provide an end-to-end solution. This creates value faster, builds confidence and gives you the power to incrementally build value at the same time as controlling costs.
“This is where the rubber really hits the road from a technical perspective. We can create AI/ML models and our customers can start understanding from their data what is driving their yields, controlling for weather.”
Chris Mendes, CTO, The Yield